Sunday, September 28, 2008


This year
you turn
In 1954 you
were born.
Off the top
of my head,
here are
54 reasons
I love you
(lift flap):

"54" (Inside flap)

Excerpts from "54 Reasons I Love You":

1. You love what you do.
10. You take care of us.
13. You are a great speaker.
14. You have a sense of humor.
23. You find the beauty in everyday things.
24. You like to photograph working people.
24. You are a great teacher.
38. You enjoy my scrapbooks.
43. You are my partner in parenting, housekeeping, finances . . . everything.
54. We both fell head over heals in love when we first met and that feeling hasn't changed!

There are many more . . .

Monday, September 1, 2008

Another 32 Years

Labor Day Weekend was early this year but still the best weekend for our anniversary trip. My Mother's birthday was Sunday August 31, so we stopped at her house to deliver a beautiful cake, then drove Rt. 50 to Winchester, Va. We stopped at the Virginia Farmer's Market then drove north on Rt. 522 to Berkeley Springs, WV, where we ate lunch at Tari's. We checked into our hotel just in time to watch WVU football. By half time, we were relaxing in the jacuzzi tub. After WVU was way ahead, we went to the canal in Hancock, Md., to a part we'd never been before. How pretty the reflections were--a nice ending to a full day of being with each other. Think I'd like to do this another 32 years! (text modeled after a page by Elisha Snow in Simple Scrapbooks Magazine)