Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Always Leave Loved Ones with Kind Words

This is page 12 of the book I'm making for Chris.

"Chris & Greg were Ma Ma Gay's only grandchildren. She was so proud of them and loved it when we visited. After Chris wrote his name in the dust on her TV, she would not let anyone clean it." 2005

Digital Elements (Echo Park Jessica Sprague Journaling Block) (Cottage Arts Scrap Edges 8)


Lynn Biermann said...

what a wonderful book you are making!! It is really coming along great! I love the title work on this... it is just perfect for that photo! Great job & thnaks for sharing :)

Amy said...

LOL about the dust on the TV. We have a wood stove & so you can write your name in the dust on our TV most anytime....especially during the winter months. said...

What a fun story. It is such a great memory to scrap. Sometimes we focus on scrapping those big events, and miss out on the everyday life moments. Blessings