Wednesday, July 10, 2019


This is the fourth year in a row we've retreated to Holly River-a West Virginia State Park in Webster County (God's Country).  Every year, it only gets better!

Our first trip to Holly River we took a picnic. The Mountain Laurel bushed were in full bloom and we even got to tour the school house.  That day we walked the nature trail and looked at the cabins. We rented a cabin the following summers. (Cabins 5-6-3 and 1). All suit us just fine. We take our food and prepare delicious meals throughout. We eat dessert one night of the trip and one year we shared a dinner. We've gone on many of the scenic byways. and some more than once. We always ride to the upper falls. Last year there was little water and I walked out under the falls.

Just after we arrived at the park this year there was a huge thunderstorm. We sat on a swing outside the restaurant and watched the rain water pour off the roof and the creek roar. That storm knocked down two trees which closed the park road temporarily and the Pickens road the following day. We took the falls road to Pickens that day where we talked to the owner of the Hulls Store and got the update on Pickens School where he is the bus driver. This years' graduating class was four.  We always stop at the Hacker Valley Store-the one place you might be able to get cell service. This year I could not brave the rolling water under the falls but did sit on a rock in the cool river water and took in the mist. Our friendly deer-we called "Dora"-from last year visited the first night to show us her fawn. Our regulars this year was one we called the Mooch and Granny-the skinny old deer with hair growing our her ears who couldn't chew cabbage leaves but loved the cantaloupe. 

Next year we may stay four nights instead of three. My sadness upon leaving was offset by a stop at Fish Hawk Acres in Buckhannon and anticipation of my lovely home gardens. I might just have purple coneflowers in bloom.


Beebeebabs said...

Nice layout!!!

Connie Mercer said...

I would love to visit that place~love the details of the page and the beautiful photos!!