Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Mile High


When Greg and Michelle said they’d be visiting Denver from their home in Sweden, we packed up the car to go see them. What a fun time we had. We met them at their Airbnb and walked to Rye Society for lunch. After we splurged at a fancy donut store that looked like a gift shop. They walked to our hotel for dinner and we had a nice one at a nearby Greek Restaurant.

From our motel, we walked to the capitol the next day and posed for pictures at the mile high spot. We all enjoyed the cultural center and our lunch there too. Bob and I always gave leftovers to the kids to enjoy at breakfast. We watched James May in Japan shows and YouTube videos at their place.

On day 3 we met Michelle’s sister Christina and her new baby Samuel at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal for two fun trips along the 11 mile road. While we didn’t see buffalo, we did see mule deer and prairie dogs, not native to West Virginia. Another lunch at the Rye Society where the servers treated us like friends, then a fun trip to a Butterfly Pavilion.  There Greg and I took turns holding Rosie the Tarantula. We cooled off at dinner under a tent during a rain storm while Bob and I shared a Steak N’ Shake milkshake and they tested craft beers. What a joy it was to all being together.

July 2021


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